Gardener's Remorse

Snow can  cover  a lot more than just kale for gardener's
experiencing remorse
Maybe it's the overcast skies of New England in winter, but I'm feeling some gardener's remorse and feel compelled to confess one of my gardening peccadilloes:  I don't always cover crop! 

I suppose there could worse failures such as not rotating crops or secretly using commercial fertilizers or insecticides, but those aren't my sins of commission.  What's worse, perhaps, is not that I don't cover crop, but how effectively I rationalize why I generally don't.  My favorite rationalizations include: 

1) it's extra work - more tilling for an aging back;

2) added expense - buying the seed;

3) Oh, I missed the planting dates;

4) I don't have enough time; and

5) cover crops will take up too much space in my small garden.

Photo: WSU
These excuses have generally worked well for me year after year allowing me to live somewhat comfortably with guilt.  The fundamental question  simply boils down to, "Are you satisfied with your garden's yield?"  Do the the plant's look healthy.  If the answer is, YES, then keep doing what you're doing; or, as in my case, what you're not doing. If the answer is, NO; then you need to start  investigating what might be the cause.  You have time now because it will be months before planting time again!

Now, speaking in further defense of myself, I will say that I regularly add compost to my planting beds at the start and end of growing seasons as well as applying mulches such as straw and grass clippings throughout season.  Combined with rotation, this seems to provide the nitrogen and other nutrients that my plants need as well as keeping many plant ailments under control.  However, I do still feel some slight pangs of guilt when I see photos, like the one to the right, of someone's planting beds brimming with cover crops. But, I guess I'll  go on living comfortably with a little guilt...

FWIW:  If you are interested in finding out a more about the advantages of cover cropping, check out our blog entry about   No-Till Gardening & Cover Cropping.

And remember...
"Guilt: The gift that keeps on giving." - Erma Bombeck